Sunday, November 30, 2008

What not to eat WHILE pregnant

This is from and I thought that it was pretty interesting. Since we are entering the holiday season - this tells us all the stuff that pregnant women can't eat...geesh, there is so much!!
But, hey, as long as chocolate is ok, I'm happy:)
Not that I'm not getting completely ahead of myself...but, a girl can dream - right!

Valentine's Day• Chocolates: If your Valentine brings you a box of chocolates, feel free to dive right in. But to be on the safe side, avoid candies filled with alcoholic liqueurs like Grand Marnier or Amaretto.

Memorial Day, Fourth of July, and Labor Day• Pre-made salads: Steer clear of store-bought salads and side dishes that contain mayonnaise or egg-based dressings, like potato salad, some pasta salads, and coleslaw. They may have been improperly stored, and can harbor salmonella and listeria. Homemade salads with mayo and egg-based dressings are okay, as long as you know they've been properly prepared (with pasteurized or cooked eggs) and refrigerated, and haven't been left out in the sun.• Hot dogs: It's safe to enjoy a hot dog, provided it's fresh off the grill or has otherwise been cooked until steaming hot (to at least 165 degrees Fahrenheit) to kill bacteria that may be present. But because hot dogs are generally high in nitrates, as well as fat and sodium, they're best as an occasional treat.• Burgers and other grilled meat or fish: If you're offered a burger or other grilled or barbecued meat, chicken, pork, or fish, make sure it's cooked well done and not pink in any areas. E. coli and toxoplasma can lurk in undercooked meats.Note: Because of concerns about mercury in fish, the FDA recommends limiting yourself to 12 ounces (about two servings) of fish a week, and avoid some kinds of fish altogether. For more information, see our article on eating fish safely during pregnancy.• Raw sprouts: Don't garnish your burger or salad with alfalfa or other raw sprouts. They can be an E. coli hazard.

Halloween• Raw cookie dough or cake batter: If you're preparing Halloween cookies or cupcakes, resist the temptation to sample the batter. The raw eggs in cookie dough and cake batter could contain salmonella or other bacteria harmful to you and your baby. Stick with store-bought goodies or bake your treats without tasting the uncooked batter.

ThanksgivingOn Turkey day (as on every other day) it's important to be vigilant against germs and bacteria in the kitchen. Wash your hands frequently when preparing meals and be careful to clean any surface that's come in contact with raw meat or eggs before using it again. Use separate cutting boards for poultry and produce, and keep uncooked poultry and meat chilled in the refrigerator and separate from other food items.Don't leave leftovers out for more than two hours, and store them in shallow containers so they'll cool quickly. Make sure your refrigerator is set between 35 and 40 degrees F and your freezer at or below zero to keep cold foods from going bad.• Turkey and stuffing: Cook the turkey until it reaches an internal temperature of 180 degrees F (use a meat thermometer to check it). If you're preparing stuffing (also known as dressing), cook it outside the turkey in a separate baking dish to 165 degrees F. The inside of a stuffed turkey's cavity doesn't get hot enough to kill off harmful bacteria.• Unpasteurized cider: If hot or cold apple cider is served, make sure it's pasteurized. Unpasteurized juices — including cider — are unsafe during pregnancy because they can contain bacteria like E. coli. (Note: Almost all juice sold is pasteurized — and unpasteurized juice sold in containers is required to carry a warning label.)• Smoked meats and meat spreads: If you're serving meat spreads like pâté, or smoked meats such as smoked salmon, make sure they're canned, not from the refrigerated section of the grocery store. Refrigerated meat spreads and smoked meats can contain listeria.

Winter holidays• Unpasteurized soft cheeses: Fruit and cheese platters are a party staple, and a relatively healthy way to fill up, but stay away from soft cheeses made with unpasteurized milk. Unpasteurized or "raw milk" cheeses may contain listeria, which is killed during the pasteurization process.Before eating soft cheeses, the FDA recommends checking the label to make sure it says "made with pasteurized milk." If you can't check the label — for example, if you're at a party — avoid soft cheeses (including Brie, Camembert, goat cheese, Limburger, Montrachet, Neufchâtel, Pont L'Evêque, and Mexican-style cheeses like queso fresco) and semi-soft cheeses (such as Asiago, Bel Paese, bleu, brick, Gorgonzola, Havarti, Muenster, Port Salut, Taleggio, and blue-veined cheeses like Roquefort). If you're not sure which cheeses are safe, stick with hard cheeses like cheddar, Swiss, and Monterey Jack.

• Sushi: Avoid sushi trays with raw fish — especially if it has been sitting out on a buffet for any period of time — because it may contain parasites and bacteria. Although raw fish poses little direct risk to your baby, if you get ill from sushi you'll likely suffer from vomiting and dehydration, which can affect your unborn baby.• Carving stations: If your party features a carving station with roast beef or turkey, make sure the meat is cooked well-done and is still steaming hot. Avoid sauces like bearnaise, hollandaise, and aioli, which can contain uncooked eggs.

• Eggnog: Homemade eggnog is generally off-limits, because it's usually made with raw, unpasteurized eggs — and alcohol. But you can make a virgin, pregnancy-safe version at home with a pasteurized egg product or an egg alternative like Egg Beaters. Or try store-bought eggnog — just check the label to make sure the eggs are pasteurized. You might consider "soy nog," which doesn't contain eggs or any other dairy products. You can find it during the winter holidays in most large grocery stores as well as specialty health-food stores.• Fruitcake and other alcoholic food items: Fruitcake and other desserts that use alcohol as an ingredient are generally okay, because most of the alcohol burns off during cooking. If the fruitcake has been soaked in rum or other liquor after being baked, however, little of the alcohol will have evaporated, and you should probably steer clear.

New Year's Eve• Raw oysters and other shellfish: Stay away from uncooked shellfish, including oysters, clams, mussels, and scallops. Cook shellfish until the shell opens to ensure that any bacteria or parasites have been killed.• Champagne and other alcoholic beverages: Check with your doctor or healthcare provider about whether it's okay to have a sip of champagne at midnight. But if you're like most moms-to-be, you'll be asleep long before the ball drops, so toast an early New Year's with a glass of sparkling water or soda, and then head to bed.

Saturday, November 29, 2008

After Thanksgiving Shopping List: Robitussin and Preseed

First, I must say, I actually marinated the Tofurkey this year and followed the directions...who woulda thunk that doing that makes it taste better...amazing!! Anyways, Thanksgiving was great, the tofurkey was the best I've ever cooked, and even the veggies were "recipe" was:
Marinate for 24 hours in - soy sauce, salt, one sqeezed orange, and one tablespoon of sugar. Veggies included with the tofurkey were: frozen broccolli, green beans, carrots, and onions. SO GOOD!!

Anyway...I found a few things to shop for based on this article:

1. Robitussin (regular kind, dont get the one with the initials at the end of it) has guaifenesin in it which thins out CM and makes it more watery (sperm get to the egg easier that way)

2. I like the lube - but most lube kills sperm tests have shown that it kills up to 90% of sperm (based oh pH differences from what I can tell), so now they've developed this lube called Preseed which doesn't hurt the sperm - cool!

That's all I can think of now...

Been going for lots of walks with the hubby, its nice to get away from technology and just walk...

Random thoughts: Christmas surprise, DH doesn't read this blog, so I can say anything here...

I know in my head that it is NOT likely that we will get PG on our first month TTC, but, in my would just be so amazing...if O occurs during the week of 12/8-12/12 (which is should), then I'd know if I was PG by 12/25...and ummm, yea, that would be quite the Christmas present for DH...

Again, I know its not likely, but it would be so nice...

I shouldn't be this obsessed...

Friday, November 28, 2008

Pregnancy Abbreviations

AF - Aunt Flow (period)
BBT - Basal Body Temperature
BD - Baby Dancing (sex)
BF - breast feeding (guess you dont need that one for a while)
BFN - Big Fat Negative (pregnancy test)
BFP - Big Fat Positive (pregnancy test)
CD - Cycle Day
CF - Cervical Fluid
CM - Cervical Mucous
DH - Dear hubby
DPO - Days Past Ovulation
EW/EWCM - Egg White Cervical Mucous
HPT - Home Pregnancy Test
M/C - Miscarriage
O - Ovulation
OPK - Ovulation Predictor Kit
PG - Pregnant
POAS - Pee on a Stick
TMI - Too Much Information
TTC - Trying To Conceive
U/S - Ultrasound
2WW - Two Week Wait (Between ovulation and period due)

Thursday, November 27, 2008


It is really strange thinking about Thanksgiving this year...because, inevitably I think about what it will be like next year, it could literally include a child, oh wow, it is so strange and overwhelming to even imagine...then of course the wave of questions and doubt flood my mind...

Here is to hoping, and being thankful for all we have now...

Random thoughts:

I've taken the folic acid supplements for the last two days now...the pills are so tiny...I just take it in the morning with breakfast...easy...

DH and I are getting in to the cycle of BD now...before Ironman, this wasn't happening much at all because of sheer exhaustion...nice to be focusing on this:)

I have never seen people use more abbreviations then PG/TTC people aren't "cool" unless you know the abbreviations...I'm going to write them all down in the next post...anyways...I'm going to start posting with the abbreviations so that I can demonstrate how incredibly cool I am...(please note that this is snark!)...

We are eating Tofurkey is totally soy...I don't eat as much soy as I used to because of the varying information coming out about it...yesterday, I read that soy can reduce sperm count (but then I read something that said that the study was bogus), gonna hope that DH doesn't eat too much (I'll stuff him with zinc instead (cause I also read yesterday that zinc is really good for sperm count:))

On the sperm issue...the Ironman training is one reason that I think that it could be a while before we get a BFP result...I found out that sperm doesn't mature for 74, new sperm made now, wont mature until March...given the training, that means that we realistically probably wont have a chance until at least end of January - possibly February...but at least I realize this ahead of time...

Oh, and very of the worst things for a baby is Ibuprofen...this is hard for me because I always have Ibuprofen during AF and whenever I have a stomach, this month when AF started - I didn't have any drugs at all...on a side note, apparently Tylenol is ok (but I gotta look up what type is best)...this time AF started when I had a day would be hard to function working without the Ibuprofen...

I really wish that I could find a place to get real information about it...and I dont want to pay to get it when I know it is all out there for free...I will update this blog as I go about, hopefully this can be that place...

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

What I thought was going to start on Thanksgiving...

started today...hmmm...2 days early...thats not too bad on the guessing game (based on body changes over the last few weeks)...I actually should have guessed tomorrow...instead of Thursday - so, really - only one day off...


So, that means that if I'm back on my normal cycle then M,W,F on the second week of December is the *it* week...

Also, got my folic acid vitamins today (finally)...going to start taking those as well...

Exciting that my body is finally getting back to normal...

Monday, November 24, 2008

In the beginning...

I decided to write this blog, because I need to share, I need to talk, I need to think out my thoughts...but it isn't something that I want to talk to with the people I know...because it isn't something I can plan for - and I desperately don't want to be disappointed and have everyone know it...

So, I'm starting this blog it goes, I might reveal more about myself...but for now, I'm an "us" and I want to be even more (very soon)...

I know what I want...I know what I've planned (and I'm horribly anal about planning every detail)...but, in this case...I don't know when it will happen...if it will happen...and what it will bring...

A bit about me:
My husband and I have been going out for 11 years, and have been married for 6.5 years. I am 32 and he is 33. We have a great life - and certainly enjoy it, and for many years were not in a place where it would be good to have children. Last year, we did this crazy triathlon called an have to sign up for it a full year in advance, and I remember when signing up being a tinge regretful because I knew that we would have to wait a full year for baby because of that...

Ironman was everything I could have hoped it to made me feel strong, invincible, so healthy...a once in a lifetime experience...but, the training was very hard on my body...

A bit of TMI alert:

I went from having the most regular cycle ever - to having periods of time where I'd go more than 2-3 months without anything...right now I'm in one of those times (probably because the Ironman was only a bit more than 3 weeks ago, and my body is still recovering)...

*end TMI*

between my own body - and the fact that my husband did the same Ironman race (and trained a lot harder than I did - so I'm sure that his body is even more messed up than mine) is realistically going to be quite a bit longer before we can conceive...

But, nonetheless, we certainly can try...

In honor of this:
1. I ordered folic acid supplements from ebay a week ago (dont quite know where they are, but they are ordered) - just in case
2. Am putting hubby on Zinc

Will see is my predictions so far are right...will know on Thanksgiving if I'm starting in the right direction...