He was 19" long and 7pounds 8 oz.
He is perfect in every way and we are so in love!
This is a picture of him at 5 days old...

Life with him has been crazy, he hates to sleep, so I dont sleep much, but it is beyond description watching him grow and learn and explore and begin to become the person that he is meant to be...
He is 5 months old now, and really into exploring our faces and pulling hair...he loves to roll over, but can only roll to the right - for now, and he's just starting to figure out that the dogs are there also...
This is him at 4.5 months:

I dont have time to do much besides take care of him, and have mae the decision to quit my job to spend time with him. It was a hard decision because I love my job, but right now, giving him as much love and attention that I can is my number 1 priority and I think that this will be best for him.