Sunday, December 14, 2008

One week of trying...

Well, this will definitely be a TMI blog today...

So, we BD on M, W, Sa...
I got negative OPK every single day this week, but yesterday, it really did seem "less negative" then the other times - the line was not as dark as the control, but it was much darker then it had been previously...along with that, CM was much more, and Cervix (I know, told you TMI) was much higher and super, I think if we caught it, yesterday was the day...

Today, it is back to completely negative...ugh! I dont even know if I'm actually ovulating...if this continues, I gotta see a doctor...

So, I think Im going to start temping, if for nothing else, then just to see if I'm actually ovulating...

Feeling really frustrated right now...I don't *need* to be pregnant this month or anything, but it would be nice to at least know that my body is actually working correctly...

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Waiting for Ovulation...

I've been trying to stay away from posting, cause I didn't want to think about this as much as I have been, but I am anyways, so what the heck (specially with a possible 2WW coming up)...

Waiting is the hardest part...
Especially when it is my first time *trying*...
I am now 14 days, which means it should be O time, but I don't think it is...

yesterday, I had no signs of O, but today, I'm feeling *horny* (am I supposed to even write that)...anyways, I'm basically feeling like I want to do it, and whenever I feel that way, I'm pretty sure it is O time...

Last night, we BD with no protection...DH already thinks that we are pregnant, but I know that it isn't that easy, and I definitely dont want to get my hopes up...specially with all the biking that he did a few months ago...I dont think his little guys will recover for at least 2 more months...

Today was a relaxation day, DH got home late...
Tomorrow is date night, which means that we get to BD again...if the horny keeps up, then tomorrow could be *the* possible day for the month...

Oh, this sounds so corny - and I've already written it more than once, but I'd really love a BFP for Christmas!!

PS-Am I extra cool cause I used all the abbreviations properly?:)
PPS-This is our first month TTC, and I'm already this obsessed...ugh, you'd think that waiting 32 years would make me a bit more patient!

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

In a week!!

Best TTC is next it wrong to have a countdown??!!

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Why are the chances to concieve only 25%?

Ok, so I know that 25% is technically high - I mean 1/4 of people who try to get pregnant do - but I'm curious why it isn't higher?

Does it include everyone, or just people who are really trying?

I realize that if it includes everyone: those who drink, smoke, are significantly overweight, are significantly underweight, don't pay attention to their bodies (BBT, OT, CM, etc.) then this would make sense...but for those who are so careful and aware and it still only 1 in 4...and if so why?? That just doesnt make sense...

Can't find the answer...

I think that I'm not officially going to have much of a chance until my husband's little guys recover from Ironman - and that isn't going to be until the middle of January (75 days since Ironman) - so, we can practice, but it will probably be a while...

Humping - It's for the dogs!

So, today a friend of ours dropped his dog off, cause he was going out of town. When this dog is here, all my dogs want to do is hump (which they dont do that much usually) is the weirdest thing to see them play together, because all they do - literally - is hump each other, and to make it odder, they are all boys and all, right now, at my house, it is the hump little dog is humping their dog, and my older dog is humping my little dog...for hours on end...its rather amusing, cause they never get off, and yet they never get tired...amazing!!

Not sure if it makes me in the mood exactly:)

Monday, December 1, 2008


I'v been running the fireplace a lot lately, and it gets kinda smoky in the house - but I LOVE the warmth...curious as to if this is bad...

Obviously smoking is bad, but what about fireplace breathing?