Sunday, December 14, 2008

One week of trying...

Well, this will definitely be a TMI blog today...

So, we BD on M, W, Sa...
I got negative OPK every single day this week, but yesterday, it really did seem "less negative" then the other times - the line was not as dark as the control, but it was much darker then it had been previously...along with that, CM was much more, and Cervix (I know, told you TMI) was much higher and super, I think if we caught it, yesterday was the day...

Today, it is back to completely negative...ugh! I dont even know if I'm actually ovulating...if this continues, I gotta see a doctor...

So, I think Im going to start temping, if for nothing else, then just to see if I'm actually ovulating...

Feeling really frustrated right now...I don't *need* to be pregnant this month or anything, but it would be nice to at least know that my body is actually working correctly...

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