I got one off of ebay for $20 shipped, and I use it all the time (for about a year now)
The next time I make it, I'm going to try to include meatless meatballs (but I have to come up with a recipe for that first).
Spaghetti noodles: Raw Zucchini that is "spaghettified" (I cut up two of them - took about 3 minutes).
Put in a pan, with one tablespoon of coconut oil and a bit of Everglades seasoning (to taste).
Cooked for about 5 minutes. **I should have drained off the excess water here, but I didn't - I will next time.
Sauce: Classico Spaghetti sauce and 1.5 tablespoons of Sun-dried tomato pesto, I also included all of the spinach that I had.
The whole thing has a ton of flavor, and is pretty nutritious. Put a bit of good-quality ROmano cheese on top, and done!
Nutritional Information:
2 Zucchini: 31 Cal each = 62 Cal total (0 g Fat, 14 g Carbohydrates - 4gFiber/6gSugar, 4g Protein)
1 tablespoon Coconut Oil = 117 Cal total (14 g Fat, 0 g Carbohydrates, 0 g Protein) **I use Coconut oil for everything from cooking, to conditioner, to lipgloss, to moistureizer, it is the best of the best!! Learn more about it here:
Coconut Oil is good for you
Spaghetti Sauce: 70 Cal per 1/2 cup serving (we ate 3 servings) = 210 Cal total (6 g Fat, 30 g Carbohydrates - 6gFiber/18gSugar, 6 g Protein)
Sun-dried Pesto: 65 Cal total - for 1/2 a serving - a serving is 1/4 cup, I had about 1/8 cup (6.5 g Fat, 3.5 g Carbohydrates - .5gFiber/1.5gSugar, 1 g Protein)
Spinach: 7 Cal total (0 g Fat, 1 g Carbohydrates - 1gFiber/0gSugar, 1 g Protein)
Total: 461 Cal (26,5 g Fat, 48.5 g Carbohydrates - 11.5gFiber/19.5gSugar, 12 g Protein)
Since this was for both of us, the total Cal per person was: 230.5 - WOW!
Given my calculations, I definitely need more protein here. I think that the meatless meatballs if made with almond flour and egg, will more than make up for that...so that is the goal next time...
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