Got to see Venus up close, the Orion nebula (a cloud of dust and gas in the Orion constellation) and the Pleideas (sp?)...very cool...
So, I'm up again, and making breakfast...I'd never made this before with spinach, and it definitely needs some tweaking, which I'll talk more about as I go...again, it took a total of 5 minutes...but I was only making it for myself, so for 2 people, it might take a bit longer...
Ingredients (sorry, didn't take a picture of them):
2 eggs
Everglades seasoning
Fage Yogurt
The first thing I did was make the inside of the omlette...steamed the spinach...then put the drained spinach in a cup, and mixed in the yogurt and the Everglades seasoning (I love the stuff, the flavor is just about perfect for almost everything)...

Then I made the egg part - this is the part that I definitely need to tweak - will explain as I go. What I did was just break the eggs, put them right in the pan, and stir a bit with the spatuala...but, the eggs were a bit "thick", what I should have done is put the eggs in a bowl, mix with some milk...and then put it in a larger pan to make a larger, thinner, if you are making this - do that...anyway...after the top part got more solid looking, I flipped it with a spatula, and just let the other part cook for about 30 seconds...

After that, I put the omlette on a plate...then put the yogurt/spinach inside...and made it into an omlette...for flavor, I put a bit if everglades seasoning on top...also included a few fresh strawberries, cause they looked yummy...hope you like it...

Ok, now for the nutritional value:
2 eggs: 70 Cal each = 140 Cal (10 g Fat, 0 g Carbohydrates, 12 g Protein)
Spinach (about 1 cup): 7 Cal (0 g Fat, 1 g Carbohyrates - 1gFiber, 0gSugar, 1 g Protein)
Yogurt (1/2 cup): 60 Cal (0 g Fat, 4.5 g Carbohydrates - 0gFiber, 4.5gSugar, 10 g Protein)
Strawberries (3): 17 Cal (0 g Fat, 4 g Carbohydrates - 1gFiber, 2.5gSugar, 0 g Protein)
Total = 224 Cal (10 g Fat, 9.5 g Carbohydrates - 2gFiber, 7gSugar, 23 g Protein)
WOW! Very few calories...fewer than I thought, and tons of protein...good!
If I keep this kind of calorie content up, then I can eat 5 meals a day - GREAT!!
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