So, this week, I noticed a huge increase in CM...and I knew that it was O time...last month was either CD30,31,32 (it was Christmas, so I dont know for sure), so I was hoping that this month would be the same. I had everything planned perfectly...we would BD on Wednesday (CD28), then again on CD30 (we were going out of town on Saturday to MIL house, so we couldn't on Satuday...but I'd drop the dogs off at my friend's house on Friday night, so we'd be able to BD without the dogs around - double good)...and then, if needed - again on CD32 (Sunday)...
Here's to great plans...
Started off well enough, got in a good BD on Wednesday...
Then, Thursday night, I started to feel the scratchy feeling in my throat - uhh ohh!!
Friday morning, temp was still normal (no fever) - and low, so I definitely didn't O on Thursday - but by lunch time, I was feeling bad. The kids at school were giving presentations, so I had to stick around...and by the end of the day, I was feeling horrible!! Took an OPK at 11am, and it was glaringly negative, so was hoping that we could skip our Friday BD, and I'd feel well by Sunday and we could catch the eggie then...but I kept think that I must be Oing, cause I was really getting all of the signs - high, soft CP, tons of EWCM, etc. I decided to take an OPK right after school let out at 3:30pm (cause I really had the feeling that it was just my bad luck that the timing would be like this - ugg!), and to my surprise, it was as close to + as I've ever seen it...since reading the Consumers Report about OPKs being negative even when Oing, I decided that I'd fake out DH, and BD, I rested for a while, pretended that I was feeling fine when I was talking to DH, but was just feeling worse and worse...but, I was also feeling major O pains...I dont know if that was my body actually Oing, or just preparing to O, but I KNOW that it meant that O was very near!
Finally, I took my temp, and it was 101.87 - that's really high for me - and I used my BBT, so it was probably higher than that...and so I finally broke down and told DH what was going on...ugh!! Poor was like, you have to do it right now, but I feel awful, so I'm just going to lay here like a blob, oh, and you cant kiss me either, and I'm not going to kiss, anyway, we decided that it just wasn't meant to be this month...I still held out a bit of hope cause we BD on Wednesday, so I didn't want to take anything that would be bad for a baby, or dry up CM, so I ended up taking 2 Extra strength Tylenol...that definitely helped with the fever...
Well, I woke up at 4am, and had just huge gobs of EWCM...and my temp was only 100.7, and I was feeling a little better (at that point, I knew that I just had a cold and not the flu - if I'd had the flu, we would have just skipped the month, cause when I get the flu, I get really sick!), I woke DH up from deep sleep...and told him I wanted to do it right, I was a - slightly more animated than last night - hot blob...and we managed to do it...I elevated my pelvis for an hour afterward, and put in an Instead cup as planned (think I put the cup in wrong - am hoping that doesn't mess things up), the only thing (besides the fever of course) which didn't go as planned was that I hadn't eaten much or had much to drink - so my CM wasn't quite as watery as I had hoped (if I'd thought about it, I would have taken some Robitussin, but I wasn't quite thinking that clearly)...
So, we went off to MIL house, and my fever had broken...but then we walked around till 3pm (some leaking from BDing in the morning - think I really put that Instead cup in wrong, cause when I did pull it out 6 hours later, there was a big snot rocket of either semen or CM caught on the plastic edge), so it goes...anyway...definitely felt worse than earlier in the day, went to bed at 4pm, and by 7pm when I woke up fever was 100.64...then ate, watched a movie, relaxed - and ate ice cream!! Before going to bed, fever was 98.97 (much better)!
Woke up Sunday with BBT of 98.39...not a fever, but much higher than my normal - even post-O BBT, so I still dont know if I Oed...
Well, after all that, DH is kinda sick right now...I feel better...still have a little bit of EWCM, but I'm going to go with that we did what we could to catch this eggie...
Should be able to get an accurate BBT tomorrow morning, and I'm literally waiting in anticipation to go to bed tonight so that I can wake up tomorrow and find out if I is the strangest things that we TTC people look forward to:
- peeing on sticks (and usually getting a bit of pee on ourselves also
- going to bed (cause it makes the time go by faster until we wake up to take our BBT)
- waking up (to take BBT)
- peeing (cause then we can look at the toilet paper for evidence of CM)
- sticking our fingers "up there" (to feel CP)
weird stuff!
Anyway...will update when I know for sure if I Oed...
Either way, am not holding up that much hope for this cycle, simply because my fever was so high, that it probably killed the spermies before they even had a chance...
Also, by Dr. appt is on February 16 - when I should be 9DPO (if I Oed on Saturday when I think I did), so I'm going to test right before going there (I'm OK with a negative, I'd rather just know so that I wont hold out hope!!)...