Saturday, January 31, 2009
$@ing DOGS!!
Ok...I have 2 dogs, one is really needy, one isnt...
Well, normally, we kick the dogs out when DTD...but the needy dog had started to cry at the door (he didn't used to, but after having a sudden irregular heartbeat last month where he had to go to the vet ER and nearly died, he doesnt want to leave my side)...
So, then, we started letting them in, but that didn't work well either...cause they would start humping - on the bed (between our legs) while we were - rrrmmmm - humping...yea...
So, yesterday we kicked them into another room, but the needy dog was crying - loudly - very we moved them into the laundry room, and he started crying at the door and clawing at then we got out the cage, and put them in the room with us, but in the cage...still crying at the top of his lungs (in the middle of DTD - I literally screamed at the dog to shut him up - romantic - huh?) then we took the cage (mind you, this was all while in the middle of trying to DTD)...brought it out into the room furthest from the room we were in (our house isnt that big), and we could still hear then we took it outside (its 58 for a high, so not horribly cold), and put a blanket in the cage with them...
And, we were butt naked the entire time... that point we couldnt hear them, but we were worried that our neighbors could - and we also weren't - ummm, in the mood at all any more...
So, now today, hubby says that he is worried that he didn't finish...I'm telling him - it was the dogs...but he's concerned...which makes him overthink things...and since he is stressed anyways...ugh...this could be a problem...
I'm going to jump him today, and hope for the best...
Got the dogs in the other room right now, the needy one is already crying so this should be fun to see who is more stubborn - me or the dog...
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
OPRAH and my diet!
I was watching Oprah, and she had Dr. Oz and some other health guy on - and they both said what a great breakfast that 2 eggs was!! COOL!! I eat that every day...
Lunch is good with the kashi...
After work, I eat veggie sushi which is also good...
And then dinner in beans and quinoa/or frozen dinner...pretty good too...
Only bad is that I make myself those Almond Joy balls or chocolate concoction every night...and sometimes I sneak a cookie or two during the day at work...
Think I need to change the veggie sushi to something like grilled veggies, since the sushi is expensive and I dont have many other veggies...also, NEED more water...but other than that, I'm set...
Haven't gained hardly anything since Ironman, so thats good...
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
OMG - I'm such a liar!
Well, she hints that I should start thinking about starting a family if I'm going to be getting a bigger house and all, what do I say? No, of course I dont tell the truth which is that I've been trying since NOVEMBER and all I think about day and night is trying to have a, not at all...I recoil in horror at the thought...saying "Oh no, we are no where near ready to have a baby"...
In my mind, I am thinking to myself WHAT A LIAR!! I mean, this is my closest friend at work, and I'm not even telling her that we are actively trying to have a baby and that it means more to me than anything else...
But, I think this is why most people think that having a baby is so easy...because when I do get pregnant...I will say, oh it just happened...bull!
I'm also lying to DH, but this is an ok lie...DH gets stressed easy, so it would distract him from DTD if he thinks that it is only for baby, I told him that I'm Oing on Valentines Day...all I can say is that I BETTER not be Oing on V-day (that would be about CD40!!), I should know if I caught the egg by then, but I'm not telling him that...cause I dont want him to stress out about it...
ANyways, I'm a liar...and an impatient one at that...
I'm checking everything:
to figure out if I'm Oing or not, and I'm simply not trying to be patient, but, I'm already at CD20...and no sign of O...just hope that it comes soon!!
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Weirdest dinner EVER!
This weekend, we saw two infomercials on, we were really in the mood to juice stuff...
We are so weird with food...will find something that we love, and eat it a bunch for a few weeks, then not eat it for years...well, that's how its been with juicing...we were really into it a few years ago, then since then, we just got out of the mood...
So, today, we wanted to try again...**please note: unless you are brave, I wouldn't necessarily recommend trying was - ummm, different...
2 sweet potatoes
3 squash
2 bags spinach
5 lbs. carrots
2 apples
Juiced the sweet potatoes - tasted really good (but this weird fiber pink stuff settled on the bottom - really strange)...then took the left over pulp, added an egg and a bit of cinnamon...and grilled them up with butter as sweet potato pancakes...not too bad at all...
Then juiced the spinach (that didn't taste good by itself)...mixed the pulp with the rest of the sweet potato mix stuff, added some flour...and made spinach/sweet potato pancakes...
Juiced apples (2)...took the pulp, added a bit of the apple juice back, and made applesauce with it...
And, there you go...spinach/sweet potato pancakes with apple sauce...
Then juiced some carrots...and mixed together:
spinach, sweet potato, carrot, apple juice - GREAT!!
Took the left over carrot pulp, and tried to make a carrot cake by adding:
2 eggs
some flour
baking powder
(I have no idea how much of each, I had no clue what I was doing)...
Baked it for 2 HOURS!! Took forever...still could have been baked longer...
Frosting was:
Interesting...not great, but I can do better...if I can figure something out, I'll write it up...if I had almond flour, I would have used that...will see for next time...
But, wow, what a strange dinner!!
Monday, January 19, 2009
Curried Lentils for dinner
It actually takes longer than 5 minutes - you can do a shortcut if you use canned lentils instead of dried ones...
White/Brown Quinoa
Fage Yogurt
Green lentils
**I meant to put some spinach in there, but forgot, so you can add that also

Start the lentils first...
For 2 people, I measure out exactly 1/2 cup of lentils...put them in the pot with about 1 1/4 cups water (I don't measure the water, just eyeball it...), and boil has to boil for a total of 20 minutes, so if I need to add more water, I'll do it later...I lost the op to my pot, so I boil it without a top on it...let it go for about 10 minutes by itself...then come back, add curry and everglades seasoning (I add a pretty decent amount)...then mix...and let it go for the last 10 minutes...

During the last 10 minutes, I start the quinoa. Quinoa is a really weird grain, not well known, but super super nutritious! Here is some more about it from Wikipedia:
In contemporary times, this crop has become highly appreciated for its nutritional value, as its protein content is very high (12%–18%), making it a healthful choice for vegetarians and vegans. Unlike wheat or rice (which are low in lysine), quinoa contains a balanced set of essential amino acids for humans, making it an unusually complete protein source.[5] It is a good source of dietary fiber and phosphorus and is high in magnesium and iron. Quinoa is gluten-free and considered easy to digest. Because of all these characteristics, quinoa is being considered a possible crop in NASA's Controlled Ecological Life Support System for long-duration manned spaceflights.
You can boil it in a pot, but I'm impatient, so I just stick it in the microwave...
Anyway...for 2 people, I measure out 3/4 cup of quinoa - I use both the brown and white quinoa mixed together (at the store, it is about $3.99/pound, so not too expensive)

then I add about 1 1/2 cup water (again, I just eyeball it)...

I stick it in the microwave for 8 minutes...when done, I stir it around a bit...

if it is a bit watery, I'll put it in for another 2 minutes, if not, I'll use it as is...
Since I usually start the quinoa when there is about 10 minutes left with the lentils, they finish up at the same, I plate it by putting the quinoa on the plate, then the lentils on top - then the most important parts...Fage yogurt and raisins on top...this MAKES the really is SO yummy!!

Nutritional Information:
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Kashi Pasta Pesto on sale!!
We had a bet when we got back to the house whether I could even fit them into the freezer...had to take all of them out of the boxes, but I was able to fit everything in - with room to spare...gonna go to another Publix and get more tomorrow...LOL...
I have 90 days of school left, so if I can get 60 more, then that would work out perfectly!!
Spinach Omlette
Got to see Venus up close, the Orion nebula (a cloud of dust and gas in the Orion constellation) and the Pleideas (sp?)...very cool...
So, I'm up again, and making breakfast...I'd never made this before with spinach, and it definitely needs some tweaking, which I'll talk more about as I go...again, it took a total of 5 minutes...but I was only making it for myself, so for 2 people, it might take a bit longer...
Ingredients (sorry, didn't take a picture of them):
2 eggs
Everglades seasoning
Fage Yogurt
The first thing I did was make the inside of the omlette...steamed the spinach...then put the drained spinach in a cup, and mixed in the yogurt and the Everglades seasoning (I love the stuff, the flavor is just about perfect for almost everything)...

Then I made the egg part - this is the part that I definitely need to tweak - will explain as I go. What I did was just break the eggs, put them right in the pan, and stir a bit with the spatuala...but, the eggs were a bit "thick", what I should have done is put the eggs in a bowl, mix with some milk...and then put it in a larger pan to make a larger, thinner, if you are making this - do that...anyway...after the top part got more solid looking, I flipped it with a spatula, and just let the other part cook for about 30 seconds...

After that, I put the omlette on a plate...then put the yogurt/spinach inside...and made it into an omlette...for flavor, I put a bit if everglades seasoning on top...also included a few fresh strawberries, cause they looked yummy...hope you like it...

Ok, now for the nutritional value:
2 eggs: 70 Cal each = 140 Cal (10 g Fat, 0 g Carbohydrates, 12 g Protein)
Spinach (about 1 cup): 7 Cal (0 g Fat, 1 g Carbohyrates - 1gFiber, 0gSugar, 1 g Protein)
Yogurt (1/2 cup): 60 Cal (0 g Fat, 4.5 g Carbohydrates - 0gFiber, 4.5gSugar, 10 g Protein)
Strawberries (3): 17 Cal (0 g Fat, 4 g Carbohydrates - 1gFiber, 2.5gSugar, 0 g Protein)
Total = 224 Cal (10 g Fat, 9.5 g Carbohydrates - 2gFiber, 7gSugar, 23 g Protein)
WOW! Very few calories...fewer than I thought, and tons of protein...good!
If I keep this kind of calorie content up, then I can eat 5 meals a day - GREAT!!
Saturday, January 17, 2009
A bit better mood...
Helped DH pack boxes to take to the post office today (he sells toys online)...and then we went to get bagels and happened to pick up a magazine about houses for sale...we started talking about getting a new house (ours is really small)...and for the first time, he seemed really into it - which was exciting! A friend of mine is a realestate agent, so I emailed him, and asked him to keep his eye open for a house for us...I don't think that it will happen anytime soon...but to know that we are on our way to a bigger house - just makes the family thing all the more real - cause we have to have a reason to fill it...
Tonight, we are headed out to a star party with all my kids from school...they are having telescopes, hot cocoa, and smores there along with a big campfire cause it is going to be cold...should be nice...gonna try to get some lovin' from DH beforehand...last night we were going to fool around, but he'd been up at 5am and been at school till late...and by the time we were starting to fool around, he was just too tired...poor baby!
Friday, January 16, 2009
I'm pretty down today...
I have been doing Big Brothers, Big Sisters for 6 1/2 years. The kid that I have is a really great kid, but the circumstances in which she lives aren't the best. I've been with her since she was 9, and now she is almost 16. Yesterday she was telling me that her mom was screaming at her and her brother because they didn't fold the laundry, and saying how she wished tht she had never had kids, and all kinds of horrible things. This has happened before. A few years ago, the mother kicked the kid out and made her live with a friend of hers in a whole nother town. Last year, she was kicked out again (the mother has anger control issues), and lived with me for a month. And, here I sit, desperately wanting kids, having the financial ability to pay for kids, having the patience to deal with kids (I deal with 150 teenagers every day at school)...and yet, I'm having trouble even conceiving a child, and yet her mom had a kid that she didn't even want and doesn't appreciate - ON ACCIDENT!! Just doesn't seem fair...
To be even more of a downer...a friend of mine has been very depressed since March 2008. Since that time, he has called me on the phone (on average) two times/week - and usually the phone calls last about 2 hours each time. This is hard on me...I've spent hours and hours just listening...and there is nothing that I can do...and its depresing, and just hard...
He's in a really bad spot, and pretty much takes it out on me - he always gets mad at me for any tiny thing, and at a certain point, it really is difficult to take - even though I know he's going through a really tough time. Anyway, last week, I spoke to him for 2 hours on Monday (at a time when I was dealing with my dog nearly dying - and he kept saying how I should put the dog down - but I shouldn't - the dog is ok now -- so I was getting annoyed)...anyway, on Tuseday of last week, he wrote me an email, but I didn't check email Tuesday or Wednesday (I just got busy), on Wednesday night, he called and said to check email...I checked on Thursday morning and wrote him back...and now he wont talk to, I dont feel like dealing with it, cause I dont want to get yelled at, but I'm worried about him, and its making my stomach twist in knots...I emailed him yesterday, I think he wants an apology...but I'm not sorry, I just can't believe that he's this mad at me for not answering an email...I'm not a business, I dont have a 24 hour turn around time...ugh!! This is just making me horribly messed up, am trying not to think about it...but that isnt working...
I got my ultrasound of my thyroid today. Because I go back to the thyroid doctor to get the evaluation of the thyroid on Monday. I've never gotten an ultrasound before, and I gotta say that I was a bit sad that I wasn't getting a ultrasound of a baby...
Again, sorry for being so down...just some things weighing on my mind...
On a positive note, my husband is dogs are healthy...and I'm already 10 days into my cycle...if I can just keep my stress in check (IF ONLY!!), then I should O on only 8 days - I HOPE!! I have everything all ready to go:
1. Robitussin (I got 400mg generic tablets) - will take 2/day starting at CD15...
2. Instead cups - already tried them put in after...
3. 50 OPKs (I understand how these work better, and am more in tune with my body so I shouldn't waste as many as I did last time)
4. Starting to take BBT on Tuesday - CD14...and I know that my body is very obvious when it Os now...
5. 21 HPTs...heh heh...
And, the best thing - OBAMA IS GOING TO BE PRSIDENT ON TUESDAY - YEAH!!!!!!!
I also scheduled a first appointment with a gynocologist...and its on February 16 (VERY SOON!)...unlike the yearly person I went to in June...this one will be able to be proactive if she feels that I'm not Oing fast enough...since I have only had 6 cycles in all of 2008, I'm hoping that she will be practive very quickly!
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Dessert: Raw/No Sugar Almond Joy Balls
I need to get pictures of this next time...
This takes about 5 minutes to make (10 minutes to "set" in the freezer), but hubby is absolutely addicted to them since I began making them last week...they really do taste like Almond Joy! YUMMY!
1 teaspoon Coconut Oil
1/2 cup Almond Flour (this is kinda hard to find, but I found it really cheap on the internet)
1 teaspoon agave nectar
about 1/2 teaspoon of cocoa
pinch of salt
Heat the coconut oil in a microwave safe dish for about 20 seconds, and it will melt...then add the almond flour and mix well...add the other ingredients...then make into a bunch of little balls, and put in the freezer for about 10 minutes (enough time for the coconut oil to harden)...and done!!
This isn't a big dessert, and it DEFINITELY has fats in it (but not *bad* fats)...
However, if you are craving *something*...this is a good option...
Nutritional information:
Coconut oil (1 teaspoon): 58.5 Cal (7 g Fat, 0 g Carbohydrates, 0 g Protein)
Almond flour (1/2 cup): 320 Cal (28 g Fat, 12 g Carbohydrates - 6gFiber/2gSugar, 12 g Protein)
Cocoa (1/2 teaspoon): 3 Cal (0 g Fat, 1 g Carbohydrates - .5gFiber/0gSugar, 0 g Protein)
Agave (1 teaspoon): 30 Cal (0 g Fat, 8 g Carbohydrates - 0gFiber/8gSugar, 0 g Protein)
Total Calories: 411.5
Fat: 35 g
Carbohydrates: 21 g
Fiber: 6.5 g
Sugar: 10 g
Protein: 12 g
Since this was split in two, the total was: 205.75 per person - not bad!
Fat: 17.5 g
Carbohydrates: 10.5 g
Fiber: 3.25 g
Sugar: 5 g
Protein: 6 g
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
I found these for school, and have eaten this every day of school for the past 3 years:
Kashi Pesto Pasta Primavera. Of course, the best thing is that it tastes great, and cooks in the microwave quickly. But, it also is one of the least expensive options - $3.69 each. And, Publix has it on sale for 2 for 1 about twice a year (the last two times they have done this, I've gotten about 50 of them each time, and saved hundreds of dollars!)...
Calories are also not too bad:
Total: 290 Cal (11 g Fat, 37 Carbohydrates - 4gSugar, 11 g Protein)
If it is the weekend, DH and I usually go out to eat, two good options are:
1. Minestrone Soup from The Olive Garden (just try not to overdo it on the breadsticks)
2. Bagel sandwich at the local bagel shop (a bit of a splurge on the carbohydrates, but still good, includes: bagel, lettuce, tomato, avocado, sprouts, onions, provolone cheese)
If home, I can do:
1. Vegetarian Sushi from Fresh Market
2. Avocado, Spinach, tomato sandwich (on toasted bread - though again, I need to find a bread that doesn't have any soy in it)
3. Kashi Roasted Vegetable Pizza:
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
I eat the same thing for breakfast every day:
2 cage-free organic eggs (scrambled, but put it in a non-stick pan, and just flip it over to cook it, makes it into a circle shape)
a bit of everglades seasoning
Fat-free Fage Greek yogurt: on top then fold in half and it is a delicious omlette
2 pieces of organic Nature's Own bread toasted, with 1/2 tablespoon butter on top
Eggs: 70 Cal each = 140 Cal total (8 g Fat, 0 g Carbohydrates - 0gSugar, 12 g Protein)
Seasoning: 0 Cal
Yogurt: 120 Cal/serving = 120 Cal total (0 g Fat, 9 g Carbohydrates - 9gSugar, 20 g Protein)
Bread: 100 Cal each = 200 Cal total (3 g Fat, 42 g Carbohydrates - 6gSugar, 10 g Protein) **Just noticed - this has Soybean oil in it - I will be replacing this with something else soon and will update
Butter: 50 Cal (6.5 g Fat, 0 g Carbohydrates, 0 g Protein)
Total: 510 Cal (17.5 g Fat, 51 g Carbohydrates - 15 g Sugar, 42 g Protein)
Having seen this, I need to lower the amount of Carbohydrates, and get a different bread. I think the best way to do this is to change to Wasa crackers instead, these: The ingredients are much better, and two of these are very filling...
So, that would change everything to:
Eggs: 70 Cal each = 140 Cal total (8 g Fat, 0 g Carbohydrates - 0gSugar, 12 g Protein)
Seasoning: 0 Cal
Yogurt: 120 Cal/serving = 120 Cal total (0 g Fat, 9 g Carbohydrates - 9gSugar, 20 g Protein)
Wasa Crackers (2): 45 Cal each = 90 Cal total (0 g Fat, 20 g Carbohydrates - 0gSugar, 4 g Protein)
No butter!
Total: 350 Cal (8 g Fat, 29 g Carbohydrates - 9 g Sugar, 36 g Protein)
Lots of protein to begin the day...lower Carbohydrates, not too much fat...
I seem to be hungry again in about 3 hours...but since it is also better to eat many small meals, this is also ok...
Monday, January 12, 2009
Cooking with me!
In 1993, I stopped eating meat...
In 1998, I stopped eating chicken...
In 2006, I stopped eating fish...
So, my protein has relied on eating copious amounts of soy...
Well, turns out soy isn't so good for you (highly processed, etc.), and also not good for a guy (excess estrogen) so now, I'm trying to eliminate that as well for me and DH...
Besides that, I'm an absolute suger addict...and well, that's not good either...
So, my four main goals for the new year:
1. Cut down on sugar
2. Eliminate soy from my diet
3. Eat balanced meals
4. Make meals that DH likes
So, since I'm only on CD5, and have a while to wait till next few days will be spent trying to write down some good recipes that I've found so far...
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Dinner: Zucchini Spaghetti

I got one off of ebay for $20 shipped, and I use it all the time (for about a year now)
The next time I make it, I'm going to try to include meatless meatballs (but I have to come up with a recipe for that first).
Spaghetti noodles: Raw Zucchini that is "spaghettified" (I cut up two of them - took about 3 minutes).
Put in a pan, with one tablespoon of coconut oil and a bit of Everglades seasoning (to taste).
Cooked for about 5 minutes. **I should have drained off the excess water here, but I didn't - I will next time.
Sauce: Classico Spaghetti sauce and 1.5 tablespoons of Sun-dried tomato pesto, I also included all of the spinach that I had.
The whole thing has a ton of flavor, and is pretty nutritious. Put a bit of good-quality ROmano cheese on top, and done!
Nutritional Information:
2 Zucchini: 31 Cal each = 62 Cal total (0 g Fat, 14 g Carbohydrates - 4gFiber/6gSugar, 4g Protein)
1 tablespoon Coconut Oil = 117 Cal total (14 g Fat, 0 g Carbohydrates, 0 g Protein) **I use Coconut oil for everything from cooking, to conditioner, to lipgloss, to moistureizer, it is the best of the best!! Learn more about it here:
Coconut Oil is good for you
Spaghetti Sauce: 70 Cal per 1/2 cup serving (we ate 3 servings) = 210 Cal total (6 g Fat, 30 g Carbohydrates - 6gFiber/18gSugar, 6 g Protein)
Sun-dried Pesto: 65 Cal total - for 1/2 a serving - a serving is 1/4 cup, I had about 1/8 cup (6.5 g Fat, 3.5 g Carbohydrates - .5gFiber/1.5gSugar, 1 g Protein)
Spinach: 7 Cal total (0 g Fat, 1 g Carbohydrates - 1gFiber/0gSugar, 1 g Protein)
Total: 461 Cal (26,5 g Fat, 48.5 g Carbohydrates - 11.5gFiber/19.5gSugar, 12 g Protein)
Since this was for both of us, the total Cal per person was: 230.5 - WOW!
Given my calculations, I definitely need more protein here. I think that the meatless meatballs if made with almond flour and egg, will more than make up for that is the goal next time...
Time to RELAX!
So, right now, my goal is to RELAX!! I am sure that I stressed so much last month that it delayed O (I kept seeing signs of O - and then they'd go away - 3 times starting at CD18 - which is when I usually - on a normal cycle - O anyway), if I start thinking too much about, I visualize being on the beach, and relaxing...
Right now, I'm only CD4, so its working pretty well...but, as I get closer to O day, I'm sure that it will be more difficult...
So, things I have to keep myself busy:
1. School
2. Hubby (we love going to movies and there are some good ones out right now - will write more on that later)
3. Cleaning
4. Dollies (I've been neglecting them so much lately)
5. Facebook (I've been able to reconnect with about 20 people who I was really good friends with when I was a kid - so, I can always write to them when I'm obsessing too much)
6. Cooking (more on that later!)
7. Visualizing Eggie meets sperm, they fall in love...and the rest is history...LOL!
I have done a blood test for getting results on my thyroid...I'm going back to the doctor to find out the results next hoping that it can be fixed quickly...
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Where oh where are you?
I had hope through this morning, but I took a HPT and it was BFN...and my temps seem to be dropping also...
Realistically, I'm pretty sure that we missed the timing on it this month (I think I Oed on December 25, and we couldn't BD until December 26) it goes, I learned a lot...
But, this coming month would be an October baby - and since both myself and my husband are October babies, this would be an amazing present to us:)
Ok, so I'll admit, I'm completely OCD, I want to have complete control at all times, and not having it is very stressful for, I'm trying to have as close to a foolproof plan as I, I know that at least if the eggie is a good eggie, it will meet the sperm... plan:
1. BD every other day starting on CD14 (I know I wont O earlier than that)
2. Keep close track of CM...
3. When CM starts increasing, start using OPKs 2x/day (I just ordered 50 of them)
4. Also, when CM starts increasing, start taking regular Robitussin once a day...
5. If temp drops, be sure to BD that day no matter what...same for a + OPK: BD that day no matter what...
6. On + OPK days: after BD, put in an Instead cup after - wait 20 minutes...if no *O* during BD, then manually *O* to make sure that spermies get up there...
(keep Instead cup in for at least 4 hours)
If it doesn't work, and if AF is as late as it was this time (I'm already on CD43!!)...then I will be going to a fertility specialist in February...I've been recording when I've gotten AF for the last year, and I think that information will allow for me to be seen by him/her...hopefully so I can get on some drugs to get the ball moving, and to check everything out to make sure everything is ok...
Saturday, January 3, 2009
The Plan
1. ClearPlan Easy Ovulation Test Pack OPKs (I ran out cause I had to test so much) - according to Consumer Reports:
In the end, the ClearPlan Easy Ovulation Test Pack ($30.32/5 tests) won, with a
borderline "Very Good/Excellent" overall rating (it received an "excellent" for
LH sensitivity and was easier to read than most others, but again, it will not
detect the LH surge of approximately 12percent of women).The Answer Quick &
Simple One-Step Ovulation Test ($16.89/5 tests) was at the bottom of the list,
with an overall rating of "Poor" (the only test that received a "poor" for LH
sensitivity, and without a protective cap, it can be messy to use).
2. Robitussin - to make CM more fertile
3. Lunette Menstraul Cup - to keep the spermies in after
4. FRER - because Free Response is supposed to be the best (and earliest), and hopefully I will be needing it this cycle...
Plan is to BD every other day during the week of O...
Will update as to how that works...
Friday, January 2, 2009
Post-holidays update
but the timing couldn't have been worse...
I finally started temping during the week of Dec. 14. I had really low temps (down to 96.8!) and then I went to the doctor on Monday, Dec. 22. She said that she thinks I have adrenal problems, so I did an adrenal saliva test, and a blood test and will see what happens with that...she also put me on extra high doses of B6 (which is great cause B6 is supposed to help fertility anyway)...I go back on Jan. 20...
The next day, we went on vacation to my parents house...well, we couldn't BD then (on a pull out couch in the living room) and I could just feel the O actually starting (instead of the fake signs that I had been looking for the previous few weeks)...what timing!
When we got home (on Friday, Dec. 26), I still had a bit of EWCM, and I jumped DH...but I think I actually Oed on Dec. 25 (MERRY CHRISTMAS - ARGH!!!)...
I had significantly higher temps on Saturday so that confirmed to me that O had probably occured - I just dont know if it was Thursday or Friday for sure, but then this week, they jumped even more - like .4 higher than last week - so now I'm wondering if maybe I Oed this week...but I dont think so (TMI for the whole post I know - but this week was creamy and last week was EWCM)...
So, if I haven't gotten AF by next week, then I will take an HPT, and hope for the best...I doubt I'll have to though, I feel absolutely no BBS are so not sore that I keep poking them to make them sore (sad I know)...
Well, that's about it...
This month was a test month to find out about my body...
But, next month, I'm going full force...