Saturday, January 3, 2009

The Plan

On my TO DO/TO GET list:
1. ClearPlan Easy Ovulation Test Pack OPKs (I ran out cause I had to test so much) - according to Consumer Reports:
In the end, the ClearPlan Easy Ovulation Test Pack ($30.32/5 tests) won, with a
borderline "Very Good/Excellent" overall rating (it received an "excellent" for
LH sensitivity and was easier to read than most others, but again, it will not
detect the LH surge of approximately 12percent of women).The Answer Quick &
Simple One-Step Ovulation Test ($16.89/5 tests) was at the bottom of the list,
with an overall rating of "Poor" (the only test that received a "poor" for LH
sensitivity, and without a protective cap, it can be messy to use).

2. Robitussin - to make CM more fertile
3. Lunette Menstraul Cup - to keep the spermies in after
4. FRER - because Free Response is supposed to be the best (and earliest), and hopefully I will be needing it this cycle...

Plan is to BD every other day during the week of O...
Will update as to how that works...

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